Refund & Cancellation Policy

We at want you to be satisfied with your payment for any of our products or service offered.

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly. –info@

Suppose you’ve taken a service or participating in events, competition and would like to cancel it. In that case, you can do so if you notify us before your service or participation confirmed and initiated by Us. Please note: Service that is personalised, bespoke, or made to adhere to your specific requirements is non-refundable.

If you opted for a payment in cash or online transfer, all payment must be completed. You may not cancel the partway through. This is done to avoid fraud.

*Note: All refunds are discretionary. If you just made the payment and promptly asked for a refund in between the service you took, we reserve the right to deny your refund request.

If the payment is not completed on time, we will pursue it with the client until the entire amount is made. Additional fees and fines might apply in this case if the client or participant failed to do it on time.

If you pay using any other payment platform (like Paypal, Paytm, Instamojo etc.,) this refund policy does not cover regards. If you request a refund and it is denied (for the reasons expressed above), however, when you move and raise to those providers, that movement and refund will likewise be rejected. You forgo your rights to those provider buyers assurance.
The purpose of this policy is to allow individuals to know and understand our payment framework.
By purchasing products or taking service or participating in any of our events, you agree with our Terms of Service.

Have any more questions?
Contact us: info@